And neither do microbes. Under the right conditions, they will thrive. You won't see them, smell them, nor taste them. Time and temperature abuse is the culprit. The FDA food code states that time/temperature sensitive foods can not be in the temperature danger zone for more than 4 hours.
What systems do you have in place to ensure the food you are receiving is safe and stays safe? Is the person receiving your delivery's taking temperatures, checking for quality, and documenting such? Is the food being put away in a timely manner? Do you maintain refrigerator logs? Cooking logs? Cooling logs? Are you calibrating your thermometers?
Simple tasks that do not require much time and attention, but they MUST BE TENDED TO! Better to put in the time upfront to properly handle your food. As the Rolling Stones said " Time waits for no one, and it won't wait for me." What are you waiting for?